Do you want to build yourself into an American idol, or a Christ-follower?

by Rev. Jack Richards on March 07, 2022


Do you want to build yourself into an American idol, or a Christ-follower?


“During his lifetime Absalom had taken a pillar and erected it in the King’s valley as a monument to himself, for he thought, ‘I have no son to carry on the memory of my name.’ He named the pillar after himself, and it is called Absalom’s monument to this day.” 2 Samuel 18:18


The United States is filled with monuments. You see them every day. Just drive around where you live, and you will discover monuments remembering people who made an influence, or statues recalling a historic moment. A cemetery is filled with gravestones commemorating the lives of loved ones. Families purchased stones and plaques to honor these people. If you visit the United States capitol, you will see the Washington Monument, which towers 555 feet in the air. Just down from it, is the Lincoln Memorial, where a carved statue of Abraham Lincoln is viewed. Any Presidential library is a monument to a former President of the United States. The Statue of Liberty and Mount Rushmore are monuments.

A monument is something that is built to commemorate a person or event from the past. It informs, educates, and celebrates achievements made by people. The question needing to be answered is; if you could build a monument for yourself, what would you build? What would it look like?

Absalom, who was King David’s son, erected a monument to himself. Reread the Scripture passage above. Obviously, he wanted to be remembered after he died. Since he did not have children who would carry on his family lineage, he reasoned that the way not to be forgotten would be to erect a monument in his name. It is also apparent that he believed whatever he accomplished in life should be remembered. So Absalom took a lot of time and effort to build a monument to himself.

What are you accomplishing in life that should be remembered? If you had money, would you take the time and effort to build a monument to yourself? Or would you build something else?

Unfortunately, Absalom’s monument brings back bad memories. Read his story beginning in 2 Samuel 13 and ending in 2 Samuel 19. This handsome man was a vengeful, sneaky, conniving, rebellious son of David, who stole the hearts of all the people of Israel. [2 Samuel 15:5.] When he spoke with people, he talked a lot about himself and was not sincerely interested in them. His ulterior motives became very apparent. Absalom always put himself forward, portraying a compassion that he did not possess. He created a conspiracy to overthrow his own father from the throne. Without any conscience, this ego-centered young man drove his father out of Jerusalem and made him run for his life.

What monument are you erecting for yourself? It may not be made out of wood or stone, but you are creating memories in people’s minds. You are building a monument to yourself, so to speak, by who you are and what you do. Are you like Absalom who was arrogant and possessed an inflated self-image? Do you bring attention to yourself? Do you manipulate and even mislead people? Do you value yourself more than others? Are you self-seeking and self-serving?

Like Absalom, King Nebuchadnezzar was such an egotist that he made a large gold image and required everyone in his nation to bow down to it. The three Hebrew children refused to do so. Read about it in Daniel, chapter 3. Later, Nebuchadnezzar’s out-of-control ego was so large that it led him to lose his mind. Self-centeredness and selfishness are birthed from self-deception. 

How do you want to be remembered? Do you want a building named after you, or do you want people in heaven naming you as one of the reasons why they became a Christian? Do you want to donate money toward purchasing a park that will bear your name, or do you want to give money to missionaries who will bear the name of Jesus to the far corners of the earth? Do you want to build your legacy around arrogance or humility? Arrogance is a Biblical reminder of Satan who was thrown out of heaven. Humility is a Biblical reminder of Jesus who willingly left heaven to die on Calvary’s cross for your sin and mine.    

Are you building a monument to yourself or are you building your character? Just as it takes a lot of time and effort to build a monument to yourself, so it takes a lot of time and effort to build your own character. What are you doing to become more Christ-like? When people remember you, do they think of you, or the Jesus in you? Building a Christ-like character means your testimony now and your legacy when you die will have an eternal impact on people.

Do you want to be remembered as a monument builder, or as a Christian character builder? There are 5 things you want to avoid doing, or you will build a monument to yourself:

  1. In conversation with people, a monument builder continually talks about himself.
  2. A monument builder shows little interest in other people. Rarely does he/she ask people sincere questions. Instead “I,” and “me,” are the words he uses the most.
  3. A monument builder continually puts himself forward to get ahead. His purpose is far from caring for another person’s well-being or sharing the limelight.
  4. A monument builder brags about what he has done and boasts about what he will do. He elevates his abilities.
  5. A monument builder is always asking, “What’s in this for me?”

Take the time and make the effort to build your character, rather than build a monument to yourself. Build your life around Jesus. Make Jesus your Savior and Lord, because He specializes in building character.


Prayerfully and sincerely ask yourself the previous 5 questions. Read Matthew 7:24-29.


Heavenly Father, I want to be a character builder and not a monument builder. Show me how to become more Christ-like. AMEN!!!

Tags: what, should, build, everybody

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