Do you obey what God teaches in the Bible about giving? In the above Scripture text, you find one of the clearest instructions on how to give to God. TITHING -  IT MAY NOT MAKE SENSE, BUT IT WON’T KILL YOU, AND IT DOES WORK. God is so serious about you worshiping Him in this way, that He invites you to put Him to the test. When you honor Him with your tithe, He promises to greatly bless you.

by Rev. Jack Richards on September 28, 2021


“Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this, says the Lord Almighty and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of Heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it.” Malachi 3:10 NIV

“Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house, and try me now in this,” says the Lord of hosts, “If I will not open for you the windows of Heaven and pour out for you such blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it.” Malachi 3:10 NKJV



A conceited dollar bill was bragging to a little brown penny. “I am better than you, because I am worth 100 times more than you are.” The penny responded, “But at least I go to Sunday School and church. You don’t show up to either one.”

Do you obey what God teaches in the Bible about giving? In the above Scripture text, you find one of the clearest instructions on how to give to God. TITHING -  IT MAY NOT MAKE SENSE, BUT IT WON’T KILL YOU, AND IT DOES WORK. God wants you to give one tenth of your income. This is a significant challenge to many people who live from one paycheck, to another, or to those who have to rely on welfare. But God is so serious about you worshiping Him in this way, that He invites you to put Him to the test. When you honor Him with your tithe, He promises to greatly bless you.

In the NIV, God will open the floodgates of heaven on you. In the NKJV, God promises to open up the windows of heavenly blessing. Regardless of which translation you prefer, you are in store for so much divine blessing, that you will not be able to contain it. The blessings you are going to receive may not be monetary, but will be numerous in this life and your heavenly life.

Giving to God is not to be motivated by getting. God is not trying to get you to give in order to get. He wants your giving to express your worship of, and trust in Him. Are you a genuine worshipper? What you give to God tells the story. Jesus told the story about the poor woman who gave all the money she had, because she loved God with all of her heart, soul, mind and strength. A little boy was sitting in church. When he realized he did not have any money to give to God, he wrote something on a piece of paper, and put it in the offering plate when it passed him. The note read, “ I give myself.” God does not want your money if He does not have you.

Giving to God is not meant to be a way to get rich quick, but God does promise blessings beyond your expectations. Vance Havner said, “Paul wrote of having nothing and yet possessing all things. Satan cannot do much with that kind of a Christian. He cannot give him anything, for he has everything. Nor can he take away because he has nothing!”

Are you allowing God to throw open the heavenly floodgates and windows? What is your level of giving? Someone identified 6 levels of giving; 

#1. The Tip Level - people who give a nickel, or a dime to the Lord, in the same way they tip for a small service rendered.

#2. The Entertainment Level – people who give only when they come to church, just like you give when at the ballgame – they give when they go.

#3. The Emotional Level - people that are stirred once or twice a year, because of an appeal.

#4. The Bible Level -  people who tithe as the Bible teaches.

#5. The Faith Level – people who believe when you sow bountifully, you reap bountifully.

#6. The Love Level – people who give because they know how much Jesus gave…for them.

TITHING – IT MAY NOT MAKE SENSE, BUT IT WON’T KILL YOU, AND IT DOES WORK! You have God’s promise. Allow God to open His floodgates, and windows of blessing on you. Try it! Test it! Prove it!



The order of giving is #1. Self, #2. Service, #3. Substance.

#1. Have you given yourself to Jesus Christ? Are you a born again Christian?

#2. Are you serving Jesus Christ with the gifts, and talents, He has blessed you with.

#3. Do you consistently give of your finances to God by giving to your church?

#4. What action steps do you have to take to improve in the 3 previous questions?



I come into Your presence, Heavenly Father, knowing I am welcome because You have shown so much love for me, by giving Your Son to die a cruel death for my sin. Thank you, Jesus Christ that You willingly gave Your life to become my ransom. I am so grateful to You for giving me abundant life, and eternal life, and so much more. I willingly choose to give of my finances a tithe, 10%, as a way of expressing my worship to You. AMEN!

Tags: god, old testament, giving, teaching, tithing, obey

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