Have you ever thought God wronged you? Have you ever gotten tired of being a Christian?
O my people, what have I done to you? What have I done to make you tired of me? Answer me! Micah 6:3 NLT
As I was reading my Bible, I found it hard to believe that God asked a question about Himself. Did He feel regret? Was God unsure of Himself? Did God really not know everything? I was well aware that the Bible says God is omniscient/all-knowing. So why did God ask, “O my people, what have I done to you? What have I done to make you tired of me? Answer me!” [Micah 6:3 NLT]
As I read it again, I realized God was asking a rhetorical question. When someone is late for an appointment, the person who is waiting could rhetorically ask, “What time do you call this?”
When short rhetorical questions are asked, they indicate that something is very obvious: “Is rain wet? Can birds fly? Do dogs bark?” Suddenly the light went on in my brain. For me, it was clear that God was asking a rhetorical question in order to persuade the Israelites to believe something very obvious about Him.
In today’s Scripture focus, God is clearly making a point rather than wanting to get an answer. God is effectively communicating through His question a point that He wants to underscore in your heart and mind, just as He did the Israelites. So what point is God making with His rhetorical question? The answer is “God never gives you a reason to be dissatisfied with Him!”
Allow me to personalize God’s rhetorical question in numerous ways. Has there ever been a moment when God did not love you? Has God ever been unfaithful to you? Has God ever gone back on His promises? Has God ever left you alone during trials and tribulations? Has God ever cursed you rather than blessed you? Has God ever forsaken or forgotten you? Has God ever given you a reason to not trust Him with all of your heart, soul, mind, and strength?
Of course there is only one answer to all these questions. The answer is a resounding “NO!”
God never gives you a reason to be dissatisfied with Him! God has never failed you. Neither will God ever fail you. God never fails.
You may complain to God about how terrible things are going. However, He never created the circumstances that have caused these terrible situations. You may criticize God for not caring for you the way you think He should. However, His thoughts and ways are much higher than ours. [Isaiah 55:8,9] What God sees is not only today but tomorrow and your blessed future.
God never wrongs you. He only does good for you. God never lets you down. He only lifts you up. God never burdens you. He only provides for and protects you. God never curses you. He only wants to bless you.
In Micah 6:4-8, the prophet reminded the Israelites of how God had never failed them. Just like God brought the Israelites out of Egyptian slavery, so God wants to bring you out of your bondages into His Promised Land. Just like God gave capable leadership through Moses to the Israelites in the wilderness, so God will provide you with divine wisdom for living.
Far too often we forget about God’s love, faithfulness, power, and kindness. Guard against criticizing God for not caring for you. Guard against complaining to God about undesirable circumstances that you may have brought upon yourself. You cannot justify your complaints or criticisms of God. Guard against being ungrateful. God created you. God loves you. God has gifted you. It is wise to review how God has been gracious toward you and then express it to Him in prayer and praise. Give thanks to God with a grateful heart.
You must hold onto God in order to be held by God. You must not only hear about God’s goodness but heed God’s commands. Then you will be placing yourself in a position of divine blessing.
Take a 15-minute alone time with God. Get a pen and paper and ask God the Holy Spirit to remind you of how He has been with you and cared for you in the last 6 months. Then express your gratitude to God. Praise Him for being who He is.
Heavenly Father, forgive me for ever thinking that You wronged me. Forgive me for growing tired of living a Christian life. I now realize that I have not been praising and thanking You for all You have done for me. I have been ungrateful and grown critical of You. I confess that I have not been close to You as I used to be. I moved and changed but You did not. Today I realize that I can never be dissatisfied with You, my God! You are faithful and true! AMEN, AMEN, AMEN!