Does your faith in God have simplicity and humility that encourages you to pray SECOND PRAYERS? Do you ask people a second time to pray again with you for something? Maybe you are embarrassed to ask again? Or do you feel that when you pray about a need the first time, God should remember your prayer without you having to remind Him?

by Rev. Jack Richards on October 05, 2021


They came to Bethsaida, and some people brought a blind man and begged Jesus to touch him. He took the blind man by the hand and led him outside the village. When he had spit on the man’s eyes and put his hands on him, Jesus asked, ‘Do you see anything?’ He looked up and said, ‘I see people; they look like trees walking around.’ Once more, Jesus put his hands on the man’s eyes. Then his eyes were opened, his sight was restored, and he saw everything clearly. Jesus sent him home, saying, ‘Don’t even go into the village.’ “ Mark 8:22-26



I went in to say good night to my two sons. Peter John was at the confident age of twelve, while Stephen John was still at the enthusiastic age of seven. “Has Mom been in to pray with you guys?” I asked. My older boy indicated she had. As I turned to leave, the younger one sincerely said, “I could do with a second prayer.” Without hesitation, I was by Stevie’s side and together we prayed. It was my special privilege and so I quickly grasped the opportunity.

Does your faith in God have a simplicity and humility that encourages you to pray SECOND PRAYERS? Do you ask people a second time to pray again with you for something? Maybe you are embarrassed to ask again? Or do you feel that when you pray about a need the first time, God should remember your prayer without you having to remind Him? Stevie could have thought there was no need in asking Dad to pray because Mom had already done that. Maybe you feel that by praying for something a second time, you are not really expressing faith, but doubt. Perhaps you may think a second prayer infers that God is not listening to the first time. The truth isGod never gets tired of hearing you pray the same prayer. He listens to the sincere heart. Neither does He forget what you have asked.

The SECOND PRAYERS I’m thinking of are like the one Jesus Christ prayed. [See above Scripture.] Our Lord touched a blind man not once, but twice, before his sight was restored. In other words, Jesus prayed over that man for a second time. What a wonderful insight on healing. The miracle may not come immediately. So, pray again! And keep on praying! A miracle or any answer to prayer may be immediate, but it may also be gradual and progressive.

Jesus Christ taught in the parable of the Widow and the Unjust Judge, to be persistent in prayer. [See Luke 18:1-8.] Persistent prayer speaks of praying a second, third, fourth, or endless number of times. These moments build a person’s dependence on God. 

Second prayers don’t indicate doubt, but faith. Asking people to pray with you, or for your need, again and again, is not a sign of weakness, but of strong faith. Jesus Christ invites you to ask, seek and knock until the door is opened. Ultimately, you are expressing humility to God, and an unswerving trust to know and do God’s will.

Sometimes we don’t hear God speak to us, or see His mighty hand at work until we have patiently waited in His presence a second, third, and fourth time. Do not think that God is deaf, or busy, or not wanting to pay attention to you. Instead, He wants you to draw closer to Him during this time of need. Without any doubt, His answer to your prayer is coming. James told the believers to, “Come near to God and He will come near to you.” [James 5:8a.]

Where do you, as a Christian believer, find help? Every day you need wisdom, strength, peace, and so much more. Sometimes when you persist in asking God, you may be tempted to look to another source for your help, because you are having to ask God more than once. You do not need a second opinion or evaluation of the situation. What you need the most is knowing God’s will about the matter. The Psalmist said, “I lift up my eyes to the hills, where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth.” [Psalm 121:1,2.] Always remember that the help you really need does not come from someone coming over the hill to save you. You need God’s help before anything else.

Allow God to be God in your life and situations. He knows your name and needs. He also knows the best solution and the best time to answer your prayers. Sometimes God’s help may only be experienced through you praying second, third, and fourth prayers. Take this wonderful opportunity to draw closer to God.  



What may cause you not to pray SECOND PRAYERS? What may lead you to think that you do not need to ask God a second, third, or fourth time? Consider the possibility that it may be your impatience. Assess how patient you are. If you do not get something when you ask for it, how do you respond? Does your impatience lead you to become irritable, or demanding?    



Heavenly Father, thank You so very much for encouraging me to ask a second, third and fourth time when I am praying. I know You are not deaf or ignoring me. You desire me to draw closer to You so that I will come to know You better.  AMEN.

Tags: prayer, jesus, new testament, humility, remember, second prayer

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