When the task is looming, how do you keep on keeping on? What is your strategy for getting over the mountain? What motivates you to keep going?
“But now be strong, Zerubbabel,” declares the Lord. “Be strong, Joshua, son of Jozadak, the high priest. Be strong, all you people of the land,” declares the Lord, “and work. For I am with you,” declares the Lord Almighty. “This is what I covenanted with you when you came out of Egypt. And my Spirit remains among you. Do not fear.” Haggai 2:4,5 NIV
Have you seen the movie “The Sound of Music?” Just before the Nazis sealed the Austrian border, the Von Trapp family really did not climb the Austrian Alps but crossed the railway tracks behind their villa to go to Italy. With only the shirts on their backs and backpacks, they left everything. If they had stayed, it would have meant bondage and so much more. Because they fled, it led them to freedom. Easily, when they left their wealth, home and friends, they could have become discouraged and overwhelmed about what the future holds. But they pressed on. What makes you press on when problems are increasing rather than decreasing? What do you do to keep on keeping on?
Curtis Mayfield composed a song entitled “Keep On Keeping On.” Some of the words go like this: “Never worry too long, about what goes on, today it’s sorrow, look like joy tomorrow.” What helps you to not worry about the tasks you are facing? Are you assured that your sorrow will turn into tomorrow’s joy?
“Keep On Keeping On” is a phrase which became associated with the civil rights movement in the United States during the 1960s. It encouraged black people to continue their efforts to stand for civil rights despite prejudice, difficulties, and so much injustice. Are you ready to learn HOW TO KEEP ON KEEPING ON?
The prophet Haggai identified two men who were faced with a daunting task. Their names were Zerubbabel and Joshua. They had been assigned the task of leading the Jewish people to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem. At first there was resistance to this big task because the Jewish people were more interested in building their homes than honoring God. Things changed. The people enthusiastically began to work. However, problems developed which led to discouragement.
God gave these men 3 instructions to accomplish a seemingly impossible task of rebuilding the temple. What is most important is that each instruction was supported by a powerful reason to obey the guidance. Reread today’s Scripture focus. Note the words in bold.
Are you weary of the work God has called you to do? Are you facing a mountain of problems that continue to grow? The same 3 instructions and 3 reasons God gave to the 2 men are just as much for you. If you follow this instruction, you will be able to climb every mountain you face in life. If you don’t climb it God will see to it that you tunnel through. Here is how to turn the impossible into possible:
- Be strong! Stand up for what you believe. You know what you should do, so speak up. Be kind but be firm. How is this possible, you may ask? The reason you can be strong is because God is with you! When you know what you are doing is God’s will, you need to move forward. God will strengthen you. He is with you, not against you. God plus you equal a majority.
- Go to work! When things are not going smoothly, get back to doing what God wants you to do. Persevere despite the obstacles. You do not see the end results, but God does. How is this possible, you may ask? The reason you can go to work is because God has promised to keep His promises of blessing! The God you worship is a promise keeper. God covenanted with the Israelites when they fled Egypt. It took them 40 years to learn that God keeps His promises. The Bible is filled with promises from God for you. He wants to provide for your every need. How long will it take you to believe that what God wants you to do, you will do. [Philippians 4:13,19]
- Do not fear! You do not have to let the unknown paralyze you. Neither do you have to be afraid of people opposing you. You do not have to fear gossip, slander, or even the loss of a job. How is this possible, you may ask? The reason you do not have to fear is because God’s Spirit is with you. The Holy Spirit empowers and instructs you because He indwells you when you become a believer. The Bible says, “For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love, and self-discipline.” [2 Timothy 1:7 NIV]
Throughout life you are often going to need a spirit of resilience. There will be many big mountains to climb and many deep oceans to cross. You are going to face difficulties which will cause you to want to quit, run, or shun. The 3 instructions God gave are really very basic. Anybody could say them. Be strong, go to work, and do not fear. However, what makes these 3 instructions possible are the 3 reasons which back them up. Instructions are only valuable if they are possible. A check is only as valuable as the signature on it. God’s 3 instructions will work because they are backed by God, Himself. And all the angels in heaven can be dispatched by God to assist if necessary.
You can try to find courage by relying on your past achievements. Perhaps you may try raising your voice. You can think positively. These methods are not going to work all the time. You will return to insecurity in a very short time. You have to learn what Zerubbabel and Joshua learned. By taking God at His word, they discovered HOW TO KEEP ON KEEPING ON. Relationship with God seals the deal.
The task before you is never greater than God Who is behind you. Will you learn to give up all your stress and exhaustion to God? Perhaps you are ready to quit your job. Maybe you are a minister, and you are a breath away from resigning. He has called you. God will be faithful to direct, correct, and protect you so that you will accomplish all He has called you to do.
Take some get away time to talk to God about climbing your mountain. What changes does God want you to make so that you will know you have “strength for today, bright hope for tomorrow”?
Heavenly Father, I confess that I cannot make it without You. Thank you, Lord God, that You are with me, You keep your promises as I trust You, and You will fill me with power, love, and self-discipline. AMEN