How almighty do you really believe God is?
A Message from God-of-the-Angel-Armies: “Do the problems of returning and rebuilding by just a few survivors seem too much? But is anything too much for me? Not if I have my say.” Zechariah 8:6 The Message
Chris Tomlin is a famous Christian singer/songwriter who wrote a song entitled “God of Angel Armies.” Tomlin accurately describes what the Bible says about God’s identity and character. Here are just a few of his beliefs. When you listen to the song you will get so much more.
God hears me…God gives joy…God is light…God is stronger than my strongest foe…God defeats my enemies…God protects me…God goes before me…God stands behind me…God is always with me…God reigns forever…God is my friend…God is my strength…God delivers me…God makes me victorious…God is always by my side…God holds the whole world in His hands…God is faithful…The God of angel armies is always by my side…The God of angel armies is always by my side.
Here is the all-important question for today. Why be afraid anyone or anything if you believe in and personally know GOD OF THE ANGEL ARMIES? Why think that something is impossible if God is for it?
In the Scripture focus for today, the Jewish people had been freed from a 70-year captivity in Babylon. They returned to Jerusalem with the desire to rebuild God’s temple. The project began with enthusiasm, but difficulties and opposition arose. Many of the people began to believe that rebuilding the temple was not achievable. Zechariah, the prophet, reminded them just how almighty God really is. The New Living Translation says, “This is what the Lord of Heaven’s Armies says: All this may seem impossible to you now, a small remnant of God’s people. But is it impossible for me? says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies.” [Zechariah 8:6]
The names given to God, throughout the Bible, tell us a great deal about His identity and character. “GOD OF THE ANGEL ARMIES” is used 18 times in the Message translation of Zechariah 8. This particular name given to God is used 37 times throughout the book. Haggai uses this term 11 times and Amos uses this term 7 times, and Jeremiah uses this name for God a total of 75 times. Isaiah uses this name 54 times, Malachi uses it 21 times and it is found 16 times in the Psalms. Obviously, this particular name for God has tremendous meaning.
When you look at other translations of the Bible this name appears as “The Lord of Hosts,” in the King James and New King James versions. In the Living Bible and the New International Version, this term is translated “The Lord Almighty.” It appears as “The Lord All Powerful,” in the New Century Version. The New Life Version translates this name for God as “The Lord of All” and the New Living Translation describes God as “The Lord of Heaven’s Armies.”
How great is your God? The name “GOD OF THE ANGEL ARMIES” clearly infers God has incredible, indescribable, and insurmountable resources. Do you feel outnumbered? God hears you, is present with you, saves you, delivers you, and reigns forever. God is able to do whatever! Without doubt, God is unbelievable, unexplainable, and unbeatable.
Are your eyes open to fear and anxiety or God’s Angel Armies. Elisha told his servant to not look at the enemies surrounding them but to see the angels of God surrounding them because they far outnumbered their foes. [2 Kings 6] When Chris Tomlin wrote this song, he got together with a friend whose spouse was going through a trial. Together the composers saw how almighty God is. You are greatly blessed when you learn to walk with GOD OF THE ANGEL ARMIES.
Read Psalm 89:5-18. Reflect on what it says about God’s identity and character. Write some notes for yourself so that you can meditate on this in the future days. It will be well worth every moment of your time.
Thank you, GOD OF THE ANGEL ARMIES, for inviting me to personally know You and walk with You. I know You, Lord God, are in control and there is no reason for me to fear. Help me, Lord God, to not forget. Should that happen, nudge me, Holy Spirit, back to a position of strength and completeness. AMEN!