How faithful are you at being God’s voice?
A Message. God’s Word to Israel through Malachi: God said, “I love you.” You replied, “Really? How have you loved us?” “Look at history” [this is God’s answer] Malachi 1:1-3 The Message
The story is told of an English missionary in China who became very ill. He called a Chinese friend to carry a message concerning his illness to a doctor who was many miles away. The Chinese man cheerfully consented. The missionary thought that his friend would require two days to fulfill the mission, but he was back with the remedy within 24 hours. The friend had walked there and back without stopping for sleep. The missionary was overwhelmed by his friend’s behavior, concern, and dedication. Upon reflection and appreciation, the missionary began to refer to his friend as “my messenger.” What an endearing term.
Will you become God’s messenger? Today’s great need is for believers to become messengers of God. Malachi, who is responsible for writing the last book of the Old Testament, was a prophet who was a faithful communicator of God’s love. His name means “my messenger.” Will you become a “Malachi”? Will you tell God that you will be His messenger?
God commissioned Malachi to convey God’s messages to Israel. The prophet was not called to share his thoughts and ideas. God gave him a series of messages. The first message he conveyed, as seen in today’s Scripture focus, was “God loves you!” That is the best way for you to begin. Just tell people how much God loves them.
Does God consider you to be His messenger? Does God point you out to the heavenly angels by saying, “There is my messenger at work!...He or she lives in...and works at…He or she is so faithful at sharing My love with people.”
God has commissioned you to be His messenger. After Jesus Christ’s resurrection and just before He ascended into heaven, Jesus issued His Great Commission to all believers. He said, “All authority in heaven, and on earth, has been given to me. Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” [Matthew 28:18-20 NIV] The living God, Who came from heaven to earth, has commanded every believer to #1 go, #2 make disciples, #3 lead people to be baptized, and #4 teach them how to live a Godly life.
You are not to convey the Good News message by yourself or in your own strength. All 4 commands are to be carried out knowing Jesus Christ is with you the whole time. You are backed by all heavenly authority every time you share Jesus with someone. Simply convey the message that God loves people and God longs to have a personal relationship with everyone.
Angels are God’s messengers. The word “angel” is derived from the Greek word “angelos” which means “messenger.” Heavenly angels announced to the shepherds that the Messiah had been born. An angel announced to Mary that she was going to birth God’s Son. Joseph was visited by an angel who told him to name his baby “Jesus.” But God did not stop there.
The living God has commissioned people to be His messengers. John the Baptist was God’s preparation messenger. [Matthew 3: 1-3] Jesus called His disciples to share the Good News. What a high honor. You have the privilege and calling of conveying the most important, life-changing message - Jesus Christ died for everyone and can become anyone’s Savior and Lord.
Please do not let anyone within your reach not know the wonderful truth that God loves them. He proved it by sending His Son to planet earth. [John 3:16] How much does God love people? Look at history. God gave His one and only Son to die for the sin of all people.
Does God call you “My messenger!”? Will you believe that the most important message you can share with anyone must focus on Jesus Christ? Today, will you become convinced that the most important words everyone in the world needs to hear are “God loves you!”?
God’s messenger knows God’s message. Here is a concise picture of what the most important message is. Remember the ABC’s. You simply want people to know that God loves them and longs for them to:
A dmit you are a sinner. See 1 John 1:8
B elieve Jesus Christ is the living God Who died on the cross for your sins. See John 1:12.
C onfess in a prayer to Jesus Christ your desire to be forgiven of your sin. See 1 John 1:9.
D ecide to live your life to please Jesus. See Luke 9:23.
Lord Jesus, I want to be your faithful messenger. I will become Your voice, hands and feet. Show me each day how I can convey to someone just how much You love them. Thank you for the many people who were faithful to communicate this message to me. Thank you for loving me. AMEN!