by Rev. Jack Richards on April 19, 2024


Why do you sometimes disagree with God? 


The Lord said “…So now go. I am sending you to Pharoah to bring my people the Israelites out of Egypt. But Moses said to God, “Who am I that I should go…”  Exodus 3:10,11 NIV 

Moses said to God “Suppose… they ask me ‘What is his name?’…” Exodus 3:13 NIV 

Moses answered, “What if they do not believe me or listen to me…” Exodus 4:1 NIV 

Moses said to the Lord, “Oh, Lord, I have been never eloquent… I am slow of speech and tongue.”  Exodus 4:10 NIV 


In heaven, Moses was walking down the street when he bumped into George W. Bush who said, “Hello, nice weather we are having…” Moses took one look at the president, turned, and ran as fast as he could in the other direction. 

The next day, Moses was walking down the same street and there was George Bush once again. Again, the President tried to initiate conversation, but Moses turned and ran away, 

Bush was tired of this very unusual treatment. The next time Moses ran away from him, he decided to follow. When the President caught up, he asked Moses what was wrong. Moses explained, “The last time I talked to a Bush I spent 40 years in the desert.” 

Do you ever argue with God regarding His will and plan for your life? God always has a definite plan. Take, for example, the Children of Israel. God had a plan to lead them out of Egypt and another plan to lead them into the Promised Land. You never know what may happen in life. You never know what God has planned for you. But you can be assured that God’s plan will ultimately lead you to hope and prosperity. Jeremiah 29:11 states, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you, and not to harm you, plans to give you hope, and a future.”  

Do you agree with God about some things and disagree with Him about others? God’s plan for your life will always mean you will do great things for God’s glory. His plan will always involve service and ministry. God will bless you so that you can be a blessing to people. Do you receive the blessings but object to giving the blessings? God does not just want to bless you by finishing school, goal setting, finding a job, and perhaps marriage, along with having a family. That can be described as His general plan for your life. However, God has a specific plan for only you to fulfill. This plan is where God will greatly use you to impact your world.   

Moses became aware of God’s specific plan when he was chosen by God to lead the Israelites from Egyptian bondage. He was all on board with God delivering his people from slavery. However, Moses did not immediately agree with God choosing him to be the leader. Unlike Samuel who said, “Here I am Lord. Send me,” Moses argued with God. In his mind, he knew he had been a failure and was very old. Moses objected to God choosing him for 4 reasons. How about you? Do you ever object to God calling you to fulfill His plan? In today’s Scripture focus, you read how Moses argued with God. When God directs you to serve, do you respond like Moses and say the following: 

  1. I am not capable…Moses considered himself unfit for the task. 
  2. I am not equipped…Moses considered himself to be uneducated and having no authority. 
  3. I am not believable…Moses considered himself to not have credibility. 
  4. I am not verbal…Moses considered himself to lack eloquence because he stuttered. 

God answered all of Moses’ objections with strong promises.  He told Moses: 

  1. I will be with you…Exodus 3:12 
  2. I AM has sent me to you…Exodus 3:13 
  3. What is that in your hand…miraculous signs…Exodus 4:2-9 
  4. I will help you speak and teach you what to say…Exodus 4:11,12 

After all of that, Moses finally admitted his unwillingness when he said, “O Lord please send someone else to do it.” [Exodus 4:13] He refused to obey because he did not want to believe God. Will you take God at his word? God got angry with Moses and gave him a helper who proved to be a hindrance. Why put God to the test? Why not just choose to believe God?  

C.S. Lewis made this comment about arguing with God, “When you argue against Him, you are arguing against the very power that makes you able to argue at all: it is like cutting off the branch you are sitting on.”  [Mere Christianity.] You need to come to the resolution that you do not know what is best for you and others. But God does! You need to conclude that God’s plans will always outshine any human plans. God is your Creator and He’s got the whole world in His hands. 


Take time to read these Bible verses describing God’s plan for your life: 

  • Esther 4:14, 
  • Psalm 32:8, 33:11, 37:23, 57:2, 139:16, 
  • Proverbs 3:5-6, 16:9, 19:21, 
  • Ephesians 2:10, 
  • Philippians 1:6, and 
  • 2 Peter 3:9. 

Never forget that Jesus Christ questioned God the Father about dying on the cross but never argued with Him. Jesus fulfilled His mission when He said, “It is finished.”  


Heavenly Father, I choose your plans for my life. Make me a blessing for Your honor. AMEN! 

Tags: god, plan, testament, new

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